deskpins portable
deskpins portable


[最上層顯示] DeskPins 1.3 繁體中文免安裝版


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DeskPins, free and safe download. DeskPins latest version: Always on top!. Having multiple open windows on our desktop can be confusing but DeskPins i.


DeskPins is a lightweight program that provides the utility of keeping multiple windows on top simultaneously · Prioritize your important windows with DeskPins ...


DeskPins v1.30 (107 KiB) : For Windows 9x. Note that future versions may get a unified installer for all supported systems. A portable version is also planned.

DeskPins Alternatives and Similar Software

2023年9月14日 — The best DeskPins alternatives are MenuTools, PowerToys - Always on Top and PinWin. Our crowd-sourced lists contains more than 10 apps ...

DeskPins Portable

2009年8月4日 — Description: DeskPins can be used to make any application topmost, that is, to keep it above all other windows. Website: http://users.

DeskPins Portable 免安裝

2016年10月18日 — 官網下載: 因為偏好使用 封裝格式的免安裝軟體, 但網路上沒找到, 只好自己做一版.

Download Deskpins 1.32 for Windows

Deskpins. 1.32. Elias Fortinis. 3 reviews. 393.3 k ... Similar to Deskpins. Windows 7 SP1 64 bits icon. Windows 7 SP1 64 ... CPU-Z Portable. Access all the detailed ...


This is the source code of DeskPins, a Windows program that can make any application window top-most. This program was inspired by a discussion in the greek ...

[大頭釘] DeskPins 1.30 免安裝中文版(1.32 英文版)

2021年2月5日 — DeskPins can be used to make any application topmost, that is, to keep it above all other windows. Just grab a pin from the DeskPins icon in ...

[最上層顯示] DeskPins 1.3 繁體中文免安裝版

2011年5月24日 — 「Deskpins」是我用了蠻久的一個「Always on Top」的小工具,它可以把視窗釘在最上層顯示,而且在Windows 7上運作也沒有問題。[操作教學].


DeskPins,freeandsafedownload.DeskPinslatestversion:Alwaysontop!.HavingmultipleopenwindowsonourdesktopcanbeconfusingbutDeskPinsi.,DeskPinsisalightweightprogramthatprovidestheutilityofkeepingmultiplewindowsontopsimultaneously·PrioritizeyourimportantwindowswithDeskPins ...,DeskPinsv1.30(107KiB):ForWindows9x.Notethatfutureversionsmaygetaunifiedinstallerforallsupportedsystems.Aportableversionisalso...

AquaSnap 1.16 有特效又方便的視窗輔助工具

AquaSnap 1.16 有特效又方便的視窗輔助工具


TurboTop 2.7 多視窗最上層管理工具

TurboTop 2.7 多視窗最上層管理工具


PinToStartMenu - 快速釘選項目到開始功能表

PinToStartMenu - 快速釘選項目到開始功能表


eXtraButtons 2.1 - 方便好用的視窗輔助軟體

eXtraButtons 2.1 - 方便好用的視窗輔助軟體
